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Welcome to HTML Stripper

Have you ever wanted to remove HTML tags from a block of text quickly and easily? Look no further! Our HTML Stripper tool is here to help.

How It Works:

  1. Paste Your Text: Simply paste or type the text containing HTML tags into the provided input area.
  2. Choose Options: Use the checkboxes to customize the process. You can opt to keep line breaks or remove them as per your preference.
  3. Click Strip: Hit the 'Strip HTML' button, and voilĂ ! Your text will be cleansed of all HTML tags, leaving you with clean and readable content.

Why Use HTML Stripper?

Whether you're a developer cleaning up code or someone looking to tidy up text from various sources, HTML Stripper is your go-to solution. Try it now and experience the simplicity of a clean, tag-free text!